Posted on July 19, 2024 at 1:57 pm by The Insurance Emporium

Here at The Insurance Emporium we talk a lot about how pets are as much a part of our families as humans, and yet sometimes when a pet dies it’s not acknowledged in the same way. We often feel surprised at how much it affects us, maybe even embarrassed; there’s almost a feeling that a […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, dog, dog ownership, pet, pet health, pet insurance

Your Story – Boo, The Labrador Retriever

Posted on June 28, 2024 at 4:31 pm by The Insurance Emporium

Many of us can relate to the notion that as we get older, companionship doesn’t just come in the form of the humankind, but also from pet ownership. Here at The Insurance Emporium, we caught up with one of customers, Jayne, who told us about her dog, Boo, and her recent experience when having to […]

Tags: customertestimonial, dog, dog ownership, pet, pet health


Posted on May 13, 2024 at 11:17 am by The Insurance Emporium

Most Common Pet Diseases

It is important that you are aware of the signs and symptoms of some of the more common injuries, illnesses, or conditions in your fur-baby, so you can take fast and appropriate action. It’s an unfortunate aspect of pet ownership but factoring in the unexpected, is crucial in caring for your four-legged friend.   We’ve done […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, dog, dog ownership, pet, pet health


Posted on April 17, 2024 at 11:56 am by The Insurance Emporium

As any dog owner knows, we love our dogs, they’re part of the family. We give them special names and sing to them, we let them take up most of the bed and buy them their favourite treats; we plan our social lives around them and secretly judge people on whether or not they love […]

Tags: dog, dog ownership, pet, pet health

Paws-itively Perfect Easter: How to Include Your Pets in Your Easter Festivities

Posted on March 22, 2024 at 3:18 pm by The Insurance Emporium

Easter is an egg-citing time for people all around the world. For young ones in particular the anticipation of what the Easter bunny might leave them has long been in their minds since Father Christmas came and went last December. Thankfully, this year Easter Sunday falls on March 31st, just in time for the clocks […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, dog, dog ownership, Easter, pet, pet health

Furry Finances: Global Pet Insurance Adoption Rates Revealed

Posted on February 28, 2024 at 11:36 am by The Insurance Emporium

The animal-human bond stretches back to ancient times, with dogs being the first animal to be domesticated by humans some 30,000 years ago. In the present day, many animals provide more than just a working function in people’s everyday lives – from companionship to emotional wellbeing support. As our bond with animals has deepened, that […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, dog, dog ownership, pet, pet health, pet insurance

Our Guide To Getting Your Pet Neutered

Posted on October 25, 2023 at 9:16 am by The Insurance Emporium

As a pet owner, one of the things you’ll have to think about at some point is whether to neuter your pet. But why does it need to be done? And what does it involve? We’ve put together a quick guide to getting your pet neutered that will hopefully make the whole process a bit […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, dog, dog ownership, pet, pet health

Can Dogs Eat Sweetcorn – Why Corn On The Cob Shouldn’t Be A Dog’s Dinner

Posted on October 23, 2023 at 2:28 pm by The Insurance Emporium

Most dog parents will be familiar with the following scenario; you sit down to your Sunday roast and suddenly get the feeling that you’re being watched. The big eyes, the paw on your knee, maybe a little whimper, how can you ignore that? While it might be tempting to let your little furry friend share […]

Tags: dog, dog ownership, pet, pet health

Remember Remember – Keeping Pets Calm During Fireworks

Posted on October 19, 2023 at 3:16 pm by The Insurance Emporium

It’s the time of year when the nights are drawing in, there’s a chill in the air and the shops are filling up with pumpkins and ghosts, ready for Halloween, and we’re starting our exciting countdown to Christmas. But it’s also the time of year when pet owners worry the most about their furry friends […]

Tags: cat, dog, fireworks, horse, pet, pet health

5 Easy Tricks To Teach Your Dog – Why It’s Never Too Late To Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

Posted on June 15, 2023 at 5:42 pm by The Insurance Emporium

As any dog owner knows, it’s really important to teach your dog the basics of dog training; the classic sit, come, stay, etc. But once your pooch has mastered these, have you thought about some easy tricks to teach your dog? Often people assume their dog won’t be able to perform these tricks, but with […]

Tags: dog tricks, pet, pet health, pet insurance

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