Dog owners know how much our canine companions become a real part of the family. This was definitely the case with Tiny the Yorkshire Terrier, who held a special place in the Smith family. The dog was taken in by Terry and Anne Smith’s niece, who had found her mistreated and nervous, before being adopted by Terry and Anne. “All she wanted was to be loved and a knee to sit on,” said Anne. “She was adorable.”

7 happy years

The family never knew quite how old Tiny really was, but estimated her to be around 13 years old. Throughout their “7 happy years” with the Terrier, she’d had regular checks and injections, but had never suffered anything major. Unfortunately, in April this year, the family pet became unwell. According to Anne, “Tiny was losing a discharge from her rear end and wasn’t eating.” After taking her to the vets, they found out her womb was filled with puss, and Tiny needed a hysterectomy. “Worried about her age and weight we were advised it was essential.”


The hysterectomy took place on the day Tiny was taken to the vets, on a Monday. After the operation, she came round from the anaesthetic fine. As the week went on, however, Tiny started becoming weaker. Two daily trips to the vets for painkilling injections, antibiotics and attempted feeds became too much for the little Yorkshire Terrier. “On the Friday, her organs began to fail and she couldn’t walk,” said Anne. “There was no choice other than to have her put to sleep.”

Making a claim

It’s always a difficult time when a pet passes away, especially when you know you’ve done everything you could to keep them healthy. Fortunately, Anne and Terry had taken out Pet Insurance with The Insurance Emporium, which helped to make a difficult time a little easier. “At this very distressing time in our lives, it was a huge stress off our shoulders as the money wasn’t easy to find.”

It’s never easy when one of our furry friends leaves us. Tiny, however, had a really happy 7 years with the Smith family where she was loved, and finally found her knee to sit on.

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