5 things Pet Insurance might not cover

Posted on November 17, 2019 at 10:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

All pet owners want the best for their furry friends, and taking out cat insurance or dog insurance can often be a part of this. While insurance can give you the added peace of mind should your pet become ill or have an accident, an insurance policy won’t protect you and your pet against everything! […]

Tags: cat, cat insurance, cat ownership, dog, dog insurance, dog ownership, pet, pet insurance


Posted on August 28, 2019 at 11:00 am by The Insurance Emporium

Whether you’ve got a fresh-faced puppy or kitten, or an older pet that’s become a part of the furniture, our furry friends very quickly play a huge role in the family! You’ll want to give your pets all the love, attention and affection they need, in the good times and the bad. If you do […]

Tags: cat, cat insurance, Cats, dog, dog insurance, pet, pet insurance