Keep your Cat Safe from Antifreeze Poisoning

Posted on December 3, 2019 at 10:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

As the temperatures drop with the approach of winter, antifreeze can become useful for keeping your car going, or even your garden water feature running! Unfortunately, the active substance, ethylene glycol, that’s found in most antifreeze can be extremely fatal to cats. We’re sharing more information on the poison, as well as how you can […]

Tags: cat, cat health, cat ownership

Why a Pet isn’t just for Christmas

Posted on December 2, 2019 at 10:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

Bringing a new four-legged family member into your home can be the start of a magical new adventure! This time of year especially, the idea of having a cute puppy, or kitten waiting under the Christmas tree can be an enticing thought. But before you go out to adopt or purchase a new pet, there […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, dog, dog ownership, pet

Pets and Kids: how to make it work

Posted on November 25, 2019 at 10:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

Whether you grow to become a dog or a cat person, growing up with pets can be a really rewarding experience for children. A pet can be a child’s best friend, teaching them compassion, empathy and responsibility! To keep a happy home, though, it’s important to establish the right relationship between your kids and your […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, Cats, dog, dog ownership, pet, pet safety, pets

5 things Pet Insurance might not cover

Posted on November 17, 2019 at 10:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

All pet owners want the best for their furry friends, and taking out cat insurance or dog insurance can often be a part of this. While insurance can give you the added peace of mind should your pet become ill or have an accident, an insurance policy won’t protect you and your pet against everything! […]

Tags: cat, cat insurance, cat ownership, dog, dog insurance, dog ownership, pet, pet insurance

Common Cat Illnesses and how to Spot them

Posted on November 13, 2019 at 10:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

Sharing your home with a cat can lead to some magical adventures for you and your furry friend! However, no matter how much they’re looked after, all cats can fall ill at some point in their lives. To help you notice the signs of a poorly kitty, we’ve put together our guide to common cat […]

Tags: cat, cat health, cat insurance, cat ownership, Cats

Urinary Obstruction in Cats and Dogs

Posted on November 12, 2019 at 11:08 am by The Insurance Emporium

For pet owners, it can be difficult seeing your furry friend become ill, in pain and discomfort. This can sometimes be the case with lower urinary tract obstruction, a life-threatening problem that can affect both cats and dogs. We’ve spoken to our pet health expert about urinary obstructions in pets, the symptoms, and what to […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, Cats, dog, dog health, dog ownership, pet, pet health, pets

What to do if You Need a Vet in an Emergency

Posted on November 12, 2019 at 11:03 am by The Insurance Emporium

As a pet owner, it’s never easy seeing your dog or cat become ill. Unfortunately, just like people, our pets can sometimes require emergency medical or surgical care. From life-threatening conditions that present acutely, to poisoning and accidental injury, there are many reasons you might need immediate access to a vet.* That’s why we’ve spoken […]

Tags: emergency, pet, pet health, vets


Posted on November 9, 2019 at 10:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

Sometimes, giving your dog or cat medication can be an essential part of helping them get over an illness, condition, or recover from treatment. It’s not always easy, and even experienced pet owners can find getting their animal to accept medicines a challenge! We spoke to our pet health expert to get more information about […]

Tags: cat, cat ownership, dog, dog ownership, pet, pet health, pets


Posted on November 7, 2019 at 10:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

Coming to the end of your adventures together and losing a beloved dog or cat can be an awful experience for any pet owner. In the last few months, bereavement following the loss of a pet has been getting some media attention since the launch of a petition calling for UK employers to offer pet […]

Tags: cat, dog, pet, pet health


Posted on November 5, 2019 at 10:30 am by The Insurance Emporium

The onset of winter means it’s time to crank up the heating, boil the kettle and settle in for a cosy day indoors! However, the colder season can also come with its own risks to the health of our cats. All cat owners want to keep their four legged friends safe, whatever the weather. Which […]

Tags: cat, cat health, cat ownership, pet, pet health

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