What’s New Pussycat – Everything You Need To Know About Bringing A Kitten Home

four fluffy tabby kittens underneath a cat tree

Getting a kitten is exciting, it’s also a big responsibility, inviting a furry little creature into your home.

You want to make sure that everything is just right for your new little friend, so they can settle in and feel at home because while it might be exciting for you, it can be scary for a small kitten. They’re coming from a familiar environment to somewhere new, with strange people, strange smells, sounds, and surroundings.

We’ve put together a short guide to help make sure you have everything you need to make your kitten feel as comfortable as possible in their new home.

Preparing To Bring A New Kitten Home

There are a few things you need to get sorted before you bring your new kitten home.

You might want to prepare a space, especially for them so that they can settle in and feel secure. Remember, kittens are curious, tiny, and very bendy, so make sure you secure all those cupboards and small spaces that you don’t want them getting into.

Try to tidy up any wires that could harm a kitten and make sure there are no open windows for them to escape out of.

cute grey kitten wearing an orange collar at home

What Do I Need For A Kitten

  • Cat carrier
  • Feeding bowl and water bowl
  • Litter tray -make sure the litter tray has low sides if your kitten is tiny and you might want to think about using a type of cat litter that they’re used to.
  • Cat bed – although cats are notorious for sleeping anywhere but the place you’ve prepared for them, the more inconvenient the better!
  • Grooming equipment – some cats love being brushed, others hate it, but rest assured they’ll definitely let you know!
  • Kitten food – preferably the same kind that they were given by the breeder/rescue centre, as switching food suddenly could give them an upset stomach.
  • A range of toys – kittens love to play and it will provide an outlet for all those instinctive hunting skills!

Introducing Your Kitten To Their New Home

Your kitten will probably be feeling very vulnerable, so it’s a good idea to give them some space to explore their new surroundings at their own pace.

Try to keep things calm and quiet; this isn’t the time to invite friends and family around to meet your new pet, and take it slowly when introducing your pet to any children in the house.

If your new kitten wants to hide, let them. Don’t force them to interact or play, just sit quietly and let them come to you.

Introducing Your Kitten To Other Pets

grey kitten and golden puppy cuddling under the blanket at home

If you’re bringing a new kitten into a house that already has pets, then the introduction has to be handled very carefully.

Your existing pets might be territorial, and they’ll also have their own routine; they might not take too kindly to an excitable, energetic, playful little kitten suddenly appearing in their home wanting to play.

This is another reason why it’s good to have their own space for your new kitten when they arrive, it gives them somewhere safe and secure without intruding into your existing pets’ spaces.

You could try scent-swapping before they meet each other, for example, swapping bedding, so that they can get used to each other’s smell.

It might also be a good idea to have some treats handy when they first meet, so that they associate positive things with each other.

Make sure they both have somewhere to retreat to, if necessary, and if they seem scared, or aggressive, remove them from the situation and try again another day.

You might want to keep your dog on a lead, to avoid it trying to chase the kitten and maybe have something in between them, a stairgate for example.

Keep the interactions short at first and remember, all pets are different so keep an eye on them for any unusual behaviour that might suggest they are feeling stressed.

Keeping Your Kitten Safe

  • Collars – if you’re planning on your cat wearing a collar, it’s a good idea to let them get used to it as soon as possible, even though your kitten won’t be going outside for a while. Quick-release collars are much safer if they get caught on something.
  • Microchipping – from 10th June 2024 it will be a legal requirement for all cats to be microchipped. The chip contains information that is linked to a register and means you can be contacted if they ever get lost.
  • Vets – It’s worth asking around other cat owners for recommendations for vets before you bring your kitten home. The breeder/rescue centre should give you health records for your kitten to show your vet, then they can come up with a schedule for things such as flea and worm treatments, general health checks and neutering. They can also carry out vaccinations which will help protect your kitten from common illnesses. It can often be a condition for boarding catteries that your cat is vaccinated.
excited ginger kitten running around outside

The Importance Of Getting Your Kitten Insured

You might also want to consider pet insurance for cats. While you’ll do everything you can to look after your kitten and keep them safe, healthcare for pets can be expensive, so if the worst were to happen it would be good to know you have cover in place.

Cover can vary, depending on which policy you choose, for example; some policies include theft and straying cover. Take a look and talk to one of our friendly team for a free, no-strings quote.

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