20 %
Introductory Discount
10 %
Multi-horse Discount
Horse insurance from £2.58 per Lunar Month
Start Quote

Lunar Monthly premium based on a horse under 20 years old valued at £500 on a Type of Use 1 policy, with the customer located in York and including an introductory discount.
However, if that horse was valued at £15,000, the policy would cost £73.98 per Lunar Month.

Build Your Own Pony Or Horse Insurance Policy

From Shetland ponies to shire horses, our policies cover all steeds aged under 20 years from just 31 days old as well as riders aged between 5 and 75 years old (if your horse is aged over 20 then please click here to see our Veteran horse insurance).

Pick 'n' Mix policies make insurance simple - how does it work? It’s simple, our horse insurance policies start with just one Standard Benefit and then you simply choose which of our Optional Benefits that you want to add. This means that you can create a personalised insurance policy and you don’t have to pay for cover you don’t need!

What Standard Benefits are Included?

The only Standard Benefit for horse insurance policies is for Death, Theft or Straying, the rest you get to choose.

What Additional Optional Benefits Can I Add?

Whether you want to create a more comprehensive policy or require a budget friendly policy, our range of Optional Benefits has been designed to help you create horse insurance to better meet your needs.

You can tailor your horse insurance policy with the following Optional Benefits:

  • Vet's Fees (for injury and illness)
  • Transportation & Livery
  • Disposal Costs
  • Dental Treatment for you
  • Saddlery & Tack
  • Loss of Use
  • Public Liability
  • Personal Accident

For further details simply read on or get a free no-strings quote and find out if you could be better off insuring your horse with The Insurance Emporium.

Award winning insurance!

A collection of images showing the awards that The Insurance Emporium has won A collection of images showing the awards that The Insurance Emporium has won

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Find the Right Policy For You

Our Range of Cover

Check out our easy-to-read Table of Benefits below to see which level of cover will give you the protection you need.

Table of Benefits

Standard Benefits
  • Death, Theft or Straying i
Lunar Monthly
(payable every 28 days,
cover renews every 28 days)

  • Up to £15,000
(payable annually,
cover renews annually)

  • Up to £15,000

Optional Benefits
  • Vet's Fees i
  • Complementary Treatment i
  • Transportation & Livery - Referral vet only i
  • Disposal Costs i
  • Saddlery & Tack i
  • Loss of Use (Permanent Incapacity) i
  • Public Liability i
  • Personal Accident i
  • Dental Treatment i
(Applicable to all cover levels)
  • £3,000 / £5,000 / £7,000
    per incident
  • £1,000 (inner limit)
  • £500 per incident
  • £300
  • £5,000
  • Up to £15,000
  • £3 million
  • £22,500
  • £2,000
(Applicable to all cover levels)
  • £2,500 / £4,500 / £6,500
    per incident
  • £1,000 (inner limit)
  • £400 per incident
  • £200
  • £4,500
  • Up to £15,000
  • £2.5 million
  • £20,000
  • £1,750

The horse dies or is put to sleep on immediate humane grounds or is not found within 28 days of straying or being stolen from the stabling address.

The cost of treatment and/or complementary treatment of an injury caused by an accident.

The cost of treatment and/or complementary treatment of each injury, illness or condition.

The cost of transportation to and from a livery whilst the horse remains at the referral vets.

Geographically extends cover in Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9 (if chosen) to the continent of Europe.

The cost of removal and disposal of the horse’s body if the horse dies or is put to sleep by a vet on immediate humane grounds.

The cost of hiring another horse from a livery or riding establishment if the horse is not found within 28 days of straying or being stolen from the stabling address.

Where your saddlery and tack is stolen or accidentally damaged whilst you are taking part in or preparing for an activity encompassed within your specified type of use.

Unable to perform any equestrian activity; sum insured or market value (if less) if destroyed / 60% if retired.

Your legal liability to others for compensation and costs arising out of the ownership or use of your horse.

The cost of paying a professional rescue organisation or the Police for the attempted rescue or recovery of the horse.

Accidental bodily injury sustained whilst riding your horse, and within 12 months is the sole cause of death, total and irrevocable loss of hearing, sight or limbs or total permanent disablement.

Dental treatment following an accidental bodily injury to your mouth and/or teeth whilst riding your horse.

Complementary Treatment must be carried out by your vet or a qualified practitioner (who is a member of a recognised association) recommended by your vet.

The horse dies or is put to sleep on immediate humane grounds or is not found within 28 days of straying or being stolen from the stabling address.

The cost of treatment and/or complementary treatment of each external visible accidental injury.

The cost of treatment and/or complementary treatment of each injury, illness or condition.

The cost of transportation to and from and livery whilst the horse remains at the referral vets.

Geographically extends cover in Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9 (if chosen) to the continent of Europe.

The cost of removal and disposal of the horse’s body if the horse dies or is put to sleep by a vet on immediate humane grounds

The cost of hiring another horse from a livery or riding establishment if the horse is not found within 28 days of straying or being stolen from the stabling address.

Where your saddlery and tack is stolen or accidentally damaged whilst you are taking part in or preparing for an activity encompassed within your specified type of use.

Unable to perform any equestrian activity; sum insured or market value (if less) if destroyed / 60% if retired.

Unable to perform type of use; 60% sum insured or market value (if less) if retired or bred from.

Benefits halved for horses 13+.

Your legal liability to others for compensation and costs arising out of the ownership or use of the horse.

The cost of paying a professional rescue organisation or the Police for the attempted rescue or recovery of the horse.

Death, total permanent disablement, loss of hearing, sight or limbs as a result of a bodily injury sustained whilst riding, leading, handling or caring for the horse.

Dental treatment following an accidental bodily injury to your mouth and/or teeth as a result of your riding, leading, handling or caring for the horse.

The horse dies or is put to sleep on immediate humane grounds or is not found within 28 days of straying or being stolen from the stabling address.

Death - if the horse dies or is put to sleep on immediate humane grounds as a result of colic and Vet’s Fees- the cost of treatment and/or complementary treatment of colic for horses aged up to 24 years and 364 days.

Geographically extends cover in Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 (if chosen) to the continent of Europe.

The horse dies or is put to sleep on immediate humane grounds or is not found within 28 days of straying or being stolen from the stabling address.

Death - if the horse dies or is put to sleep on immediate humane grounds as a result of colic and Vet’s Fees- the cost of treatment and/or complementary treatment of colic for horses aged up to 24 years and 364 days.

Geographically extends cover in Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 (if chosen) to the continent of Europe.

Why Insure Your Horse Or Pony With Us

20 Cover For Horses Under The Age Of
10% Multi-Horse Discount Available
20% Introductory Discount Available

Read The Not Small Print

We dislike jargon and we like to be upfront and clear with customers, but occasionally there are words that we need to use so we've put them in this helpful box of not small print!

The 20% Introductory Discount is available from the start of the policy until its first review/renewal date.

Insure more than one horse with us and you will be eligible for an extra 10% discount on each of your horse insurance policies. The multi-horse discount is either applied at inception of any new horse policies or at renewal of existing horse policies.

£2.58 per Lunar Monthly premium based on a horse under 20 years old valued at £500 on a Type of Use 1 policy, with the customer located in York and including an introductory discount.

£73.98 per Lunar Monthly premium based on a horse under 20 years old valued at £15,000 on a Type of Use 1 policy with the customer located in York.

A Lunar Monthly policy runs in periods of 28 days. This type of policy renews each 28 days upon receipt of appropriate premium.

How do I redeem my promo code discount?
Enter the promo code at checkout or let our team know over the phone and the discount will be applied to the final premium.

What age does my horse have to be in order to be covered by the horse insurance policy?
Our horse insurance policy covers all horses aged from 31 days old. It covers horses up to 19 years & 364 days. At the first annual policy review after the horse is 20, the policy will automatically transfer to the Veteran Horse Insurance policy.

Are there any age limits for the rider of the horse?
Any rider of the horse must be between 5 & 75 years old.

What is the maximum value that you insure a horse?
A horse can be insured for up to £15,000.

How long can I claim vet's fees for?
If vet's fees has been selected, claims for treatment given for an injury or illness are covered for up to 365 days from the onset of the claimed condition or up to the maximum recoverable, whichever is first.

Does your policy cover if my horse is ridden by someone else?
Cover is provided for anyone with your permission aged 5 to 75 years riding, leading, handling or caring for your horse. Public Liability cover excludes death or bodily injury, loss or damage to any property owned by you, any person handling your horse with your permission or consent, any person that lives with you, any member of your family, your agent or licensee, any person in the course of their employment or under a contract of service or apprenticeship with you, guest, employer or any person with whom you have a contractual or business relationship.

What does Personal Accident mean?
You sustain an accidental bodily injury as a result of riding, leading, handling or caring for your horse and the injury does, within 12 months, result in death, total and irrecoverable loss of hearing, sight or limbs or total permanent disablement.

I have an existing medical condition, will this affect my ability to claim?
You are obliged to inform us of any medical condition that you have which might affect your policy. We will advise you at the time you take out your policy how your condition might affect your cover.

What should I do if anything happens that could result in a third party claim against me?
Most importantly you should not admit any responsibility, agree to pay a claim or negotiate with any other person after any incident. You should contact your insurance company and allow them to take charge of your claim. You must send them any writ, summons or legal documents you receive and allow them to act and reply on your behalf.

What is the excess on the horse policy?
An excess applies to claims under the following sections of cover:

  • Vet's Fees: £295 fixed excess
  • Saddlery & Tack: £85
  • Public Liability: £250

How do I protect my saddlery and tack from theft or damage?
When not in use, please click here for our security requirements for saddlery and tack.

Are there any requirements for vet certificates and x-rays when a policy is taken out?
A 5 stage vet certificate is required for all horses valued at £5,000 or more. The certificate must be no more than 2 months old. If the horse is unbroken, a 2 stage vet certificate may be supplied instead.
If the horse is valued at £10,000 or more, in addition to a 5 stage vet certificate, we also require x-rays of the forefeet, fetlocks and hocks, no more than 2 months old.

Will you want to see the horse's body in the event of my horse's death?
No, however, you must arrange and pay for a vet to certify the cause of death. The vet must make a post-mortem examination at your expense if the cause of death is unknown.

Do I need to get your company's agreement before my horse is destroyed?
This depends on the circumstances. Vets follow strict guidelines issued by the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA). These guidelines state they should not delay procedures by contacting the insurance company if they feel that the horse should be destroyed on immediate humane grounds. However, if effective treatments can be given, your vet must notify the insurance company that destruction may be necessary.

What do I have to do if my horse or my saddlery and tack is missing?
You must tell the police immediately upon discovery that your horse or your saddlery and tack has been stolen or is missing and obtain a crime reference number. Once this has been done the crime reference number and details need passing to us as the insurance company. You must do everything you reasonably can to recover your horse or your saddlery and tack.

Am I covered for competing with my horse?
Yes, the policy allows you to compete - ensure that you select the appropriate type of use activities when going through the quotation.

Is the dental treatment for me or my horse?
You can elect to include dental treatment for the rider following a bodily injury to their mouth and/or teeth as a result of riding, leading, handling or caring for your horse.
If you have elected to include vet fees, this would also cover vet fees for an injury to the mouth/teeth of your horse however the policy does not cover any costs due to tooth or gum disease or wolf teeth.

Does the policy cover physiotherapy for my horse?
Yes, if you have elected to include vet fees on your policy, this section of cover includes complementary treatment up to £1,000. Complementary treatment of acupuncture, homeopathic or herbal medicines, hydrotherapy, laser treatment, physiotherapy, remedial farrier or ultrasound are included for the treatment of a condition covered by this policy, if recommended by your vet.

What does permanent loss of use actually mean?
Permanent loss of use therefore means the insured horse can never again be used for any of the elected activities you originally insured it for.

Enter the promo code at checkout or let our team know over the phone and the discount will be applied to the final premium. Promo code discount is available from the start of the policy until its first review/renewal date.

A lunar monthly policy runs for, and premiums are collected on, equal periods of 28 days. This type of policy renews every 28 days.

Runs for 365 days from the commencement date and time shown on Your policy schedule; automatically renews annually.