Most Common Pet Insurance Claims

As dog or cat owners, you never want to be in a position where you have to make a claim on your pet insurance! However, insurance could help ease the financial burden if your pet becomes ill or injured. We’re sharing information on some of the most common cat and dog insurance claims of 2018, […]
Our Favourite christmas Movie Adventures

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! What better time than Christmas to settle in with a hot drink and watch some feel good films. And there are plenty of fantastic Christmas films to help get you into the festive spirit! That’s why, at The Insurance Emporium, we’ve put together our list of our […]
Top Songs of the Decade

At The Insurance Emporium, we can hardly believe we’re at the end of another year, let alone another decade! The past 10 years have been full of magical adventures. But what’s an adventure without a great soundtrack? Fortunately, the 2010s have given us some fantastic tunes, so much so that it’s been a real challenge […]
Our Top 10 Books of the Last Decade

The last ten years seem to have passed by in a flash, but a lot has happened during the tens! Here at The Insurance Emporium, we’re reviewing some of the releases that have had a large cultural impact since they burst onto the scene, and today it’s the turn of fiction. It hasn’t been easy, […]
The Best Times to Ignore your Phone

Technology is advancing faster than ever, and nowadays, what used to be the humble phone now can feel like a tiny supercomputer! With a whole galaxy of apps and adventures available with only the swipe of a finger, it can become all too easy to get lost within the world of your smartphone and forget […]
9 Tips for making Better Decisions

All of us have been faced with a tough decision at some point in our lives, and can understand just how difficult being decisive can be! Even working out what to have for dinner can be a minefield of doubt! Decision-making is a skill, however, and we can all learn methods that make finding resolution […]
Our top 10 Movies of the Decade

Can you believe we’re coming to the end of yet another decade? We’ve all been on so many different adventures over the past ten years, and we’re looking back at some of the best! The world of film has come a long way since 2010, becoming more spectacular, magical and bold than ever. Which got […]
Beating the Winter Blues

Many people are happy to embrace the approach of winter, digging out their coats, hats and scarves to enjoy whatever adventures the season has to offer. There are others, however, who find getting through winter arduous; with its cold weather and dark nights. If you fall into the second category, there are things that you […]
Urinary Obstruction in Cats and Dogs

For pet owners, it can be difficult seeing your furry friend become ill, in pain and discomfort. This can sometimes be the case with lower urinary tract obstruction, a life-threatening problem that can affect both cats and dogs. We’ve spoken to our pet health expert about urinary obstructions in pets, the symptoms, and what to […]
How to Choose the Right Horse for you

Buying a horse can be the first step on a magical adventure! It’s a big decision, however, and not one to be taken lightly, especially if it’s a brand new experience. Finding the right horse to meet your needs can take a lot of time and thought. That’s why we’ve come up with a list […]